
JavaScript, the foundation of web development, has undergone numerous evolutions since its inception, resulting in better syntax and coding practices. The addition of let and const to ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), along with the legacy var, was a significant improvement. This blog post will walk you through these JavaScript variables, their use cases, and the pros and cons of each.


var is the oldest way to declare variables in JavaScript. It's function-scoped, meaning that its scope is the current function or the global scope if declared outside a function.

function exampleVar() {
    var x = 1;
    if (true) {
        var x = 2;  // Same variable!
        console.log(x);  // 2
    console.log(x);  // 2

In the above example, both console.log calls print 2. This is because the inner var x declaration changes the same x variable in the function scope, not a new one in the block scope.

Positive aspects:

  • Compatibility with older JavaScript versions.
  • Function-scoped, and thus familiar to developers with experience in other programming languages.

Negative aspects:

  • If unintentionally declared globally, can lead to unwanted side-effects.
  • Can be redeclared in the same scope, potentially leading to confusion.


let is block-scoped, meaning its scope is the nearest enclosing block (a function, a loop, or a conditional block).

function exampleLet() {
    let y = 1;
    if (true) {
        let y = 2;  // Different variable
        console.log(y);  // 2
    console.log(y);  // 1

Here, the inner y is a new variable distinct from the outer y. Hence, the inner console.log call prints 2, while the outer one prints 1.

Positive aspects:

  • Block-scoping aligns with most developers' intuitive understanding of how variable scoping should work.
  • Cannot be redeclared within the same scope, preventing many bugs.

Negative aspects:

  • Block scope can be confusing for developers coming from function-scoped languages.
  • Doesn’t support Internet Explorer.


const is also block-scoped but with an additional characteristic: immutability. Once a const variable is assigned, it cannot be reassigned.

function exampleConst() {
    const z = 1;
    // z = 2;  // error: Assignment to constant variable
    if (true) {
        const z = 2;  // Different variable
        console.log(z);  // 2
    console.log(z);  // 1

Here, const z = 2; creates a new variable, not reassigning the original z. The console.log calls work similarly to let.

Positive aspects:

  • Immutability helps maintain data integrity and makes the code easier to reason about.
  • Block-scoped, preventing redeclaration within the same scope.

Negative aspects:

  • Cannot be reassigned, which might be problematic in scenarios requiring variable mutation.
  • Doesn’t support Internet Explorer.

When to Use Which?

As a general rule, const should be used for variables that do not need to be reassigned. This ensures immutability and prevents reassignment by mistake. When you need to reassign a variable, such as loop counters or conditional assignments, use let.

Use var only when you need function scope or must maintain legacy code; otherwise, let and const provide safer and more predictable scoping.

Remember that understanding and correctly applying variable declarations is essential for writing clean, effective JavaScript code. You can reduce bugs and improve code readability by carefully considering your needs and the behaviors of var, let, and const.


Understanding the nuances of var, let, and const in the dynamic world of JavaScript can drastically improve your coding efficiency and minimize bugs. While var retains its function scope, let and const breathe new life into your code with block scoping and immutability, making it more predictable and easier to reason about. Don't forget that transpilers like Babel can help you navigate compatibility issues with older browsers. As you progress in your JavaScript journey, keep in mind that the choice between var, let, and const is a strategic decision that can shape the resilience and dependability of your code. Continue coding and exploring!

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Last Update: November 23, 2023